907 West Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43222
(614) 228-2262
Starving Auctioneers Rating: 4 Gavels out of 5

A short walk from downtown Columbus, the Florentine has been serving Americanized Italian food long before the Olive Garden made unlimited bread sticks cool and pushing cheap house wine the industry standard. The Florentine is the perfect Starving Auctioneers hang out: local, fast, reasonably cheap, and a working class joint. Dinner at the Florentine won’t change your life but it will fill your belly.
Both men had to stop talking long enough to give some serious attention to the menu, after that the orders came out quickly. Mike ordered the fish and Peter the veal. Peter often orders veal as a test of his dinner companions, Mike passed the test in that he did not recoil in disgust, as many often do, and he got a sticker for his decorum. Dinner started at 7 PM and they closed the place down a little after 10 PM. They sat in their booth so long the first waitress gave up and went home and the manager had to call up a new arm from the bullpen. Despite their appearance they tipped well.
This is first review with Mike Brandly but won’t be the last. Mike is a restaurant connoisseur and has assembled a list of future restaurants for review that covers most of Ohio. Mike’s specializes in two simple things: Absolute auctions and finding places to eat in between absolute auctions. In fact his dedication to these two missions often comes at the cost of any type of modern hair care or even simple combing.
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